What is revolution What is revolution

revolution (Latin revolutio - revolution) is a qualitative transformation of social life, a method of progressive social development, a transitional stage1 from one level of development to another. P. is the basic concept in historical materialism, through which

Crab stick salad with rice

200 gr. rice; 2 fresh chicken eggs; 250 gr. crab sticks; 3 tbsp. salad mayonnaise; 250 gr. canned corn grains; 20 gr. green onion; 10 gr. ground black pepper. Preparation time: 00:30 Cooking time: 00:15 Quantity

All zodiac signs by year

Every year people are worried about the question of what the next year will be like according to the Chinese zodiac calendar. Will he turn into a dragon, or will he plant a pig? The zodiac cycle consists of 12 years and traditionally begins with the sign of the rat. Each of the signs has an affiliation

Dimlama in Uzbek recipe from Stalik Khankishiev

Wash the meat and cut into pieces of three to four centimeters. It is better to choose low-fat varieties; lamb or beef tenderloin is perfect. Heat the sunflower oil in a casserole with a thick bottom, place pieces of meat there. Fry them until brown

Stuffed squid: recipes with photos

Squid is a tasty and healthy seafood product for the human body. In terms of their positive qualities, they are superior to any fish. They are recommended to be eaten as they contain a large number of useful components. This product

Shale oil: what's wrong with it?

Shale oil is a mineral that is extracted from deposits of organic origin, which are the remains of animal and plant origin under the influence of time and geological factors. Shale oil share

Technical specifications for garbage bags

GOST 12302-83 Bags made of polymer and combined materials. General technical conditions Interstate standard GOST 12302-83 "Bags made of polymeric and combined materials. General technical conditions" Bags made of polymeric and compos

Signs in Feng Shui. The light is flashing: signs

In almost every apartment I use ordinary incandescent light bulbs. Basically they are in all rooms. Some people are familiar with the situation when light bulbs not only burn out, but also explode. It can be scary. What does this unusual event mean?