The only advantage of this kind of emitters is. Modern Russian literary language social and functional differentiation

  1. 6. Syntactic norms of the modern Russian literary language


    ... Topic 6. Syntactic norms contemporary Russian literary language. Syntax is a branch of the science of language studying the phrase and sentence. 6.1. Order of words in a sentence. AT Russian language... AT contemporary Russian literary language used...

  2. Russian language in the system of languages ​​of the world > National language. Modern Russian literary language. The concept of "norm". Norm types


    ... Modern Russian literary language. Norms SRLYA. Plan. one. Russian language in system languages World 2. National language. Modern Russian literary language. 3. The concept of " norm". Types norms. 4. Ethical norms... from the stressed syllable, topics this sound is weaker. ...

  3. Elective course in the Russian language Culture of speech and norms of the Russian literary language

    elective course

    culture. (1 hour). Intellectual game by topic « Norms contemporary Russian literary language"Smart and clever." Material Distribution Examples...

  4. 3. Lexical norms of the modern Russian language


    Topic 3. Lexical norms contemporary Russian language. Speech errors in the use of lexical units. 1.1. ... I'm glad, it's sickening to serve" (A.S. Griboyedov). AT literary speeches, in scientific and official business styles ...

  5. Essays on the history of the Russian literary language


    Time. Between topics for circles of Moscow scribes following norms“Slavonic grammar... VN. Descriptive asset and liability. (From observation modern Russian literary language).- Russian language in the Soviet school" 1931, No. 1. - 450 - "weapon...

thick thick fog (dense) thick sour cream (saturated) thick hair

9. Fundamentals of speech culture

go, open, old, light, dark

Exercise 124. Compose phrases of adjectives and verbs with nouns given in brackets.

(1) discover, discover (law, regularity); (2) function, work (apparatus, team); (3) implement, execute (program, work); (4) hold, keep (distance, distance); (5) correct, eliminate (errors, shortcomings); (6) demonstration, demonstration (stand, flight). (7) true, real, genuine, real (person, hunter, friend, document); (5) long, long, long, long-term, continuous (loan, path, impact, period, fees).

Exercise 125*. Choose the correct word from those in brackets.

(1) Each of the participants in the war must do everything in his power to (coming, future) generations did not (know, Veda

332 II. Practical part

li) her nightmares. (2) If there is tension in the team, it must be (discharge, repay,

weaken, dampen).

(3) An athlete (exceeded, exceeded, blocked) the record of his (predecessor, forerunner). (4) For (previous, previous) year the company has become(profitable, profitable, profitable).

(5) From telephone exchange(arrived, arrived) (message,

announcement, notice) about new tariff increases. (c) The party's election campaign contained (relevant, priority,

primary, urgent) tasks. (7) The guests were provided(courteous, amiable, cordial, courteous) reception. (8) The play was a (colossal, enormous, outstanding, significant) success.

Exercise 126. Find and correct errors in the following sentences related to the incorrect use of synonyms.

(1) In the old days in Russia, the chronology was carried out differently. (2) The only advantage of radiators of this kind is the simplicity of construction. (3) This unit can significantly reduce the bonding temperature of materials.

(4) The creation of social infrastructure in the district was dictated only by the need to support industrial production.

(5) Snow retention is carried out with the help of shields.(c) Plant growers are confident that the end effect will be significant. (7) Food for livestock must be prepared well in advance. (8) The most experienced riders were chosen to compete. (9) The Russian tennis player became the owner of the prize. (10) His existence was filled with the most varied activities.

Exercise 127. Choose Russian synonyms for words of foreign origin.












security guard












exchange antagonism

Exercise 128
















An exercise

Choose words with the opposite

value to the next

in words:









Exercise 130 *. Which of the following lexical units do not have antonyms? Motivate your answer.




wrap up


left bank




to frown


II. Practical part

Exercise 131 different values words.

light backpack - heavy backpack easy task - difficult task light breakfast - heavy breakfast light tan - deep tan

hot, shallow, fresh, old

Exercise 132*. Determine the lexical meanings of the highlighted words. Specify the type of antonymy.

(1) I lent this book to a friend. I borrowed this book from a friend. (2) It's already light - blow out the candle. - Yesterday, a new blast furnace was blown out at the plant. (3) The new device was put into mass production. - The student completely started studying.

Exercise 133

(1) The young man entered the room where the old man was sitting. (2) Struggling to overcome weakness, she walked forward. (3) Modesty prevailed, and he did not enter the room, but went down the stairs. (4) No availability of textbooks. (5) Not all the hidden reserves of the human body have been discovered yet. (6) He openly confessed what was hidden from us. (7) Inaction can lead to an accident, as well as wrong action. (8) The traveler walked quickly, but not in a hurry.

Exercise 134 Use paronyms in phrases. In case of difficulty, refer to the Dictionary of Paronyms of the Russian Language.

ironic - ironic ironic - referring to irony as a stylistic device (used in phrases of a terminological nature), ironic device, ironic poem, stanza ironic - containing elements of irony, used for the purpose of mockery, ironic look, tone,

put on - dress the creature

to master - to master the heroic



Exercise 135*. Answer the questions. Justify your answer.

(1) What is the name of a person who does not know something: ignorant or

(2) How would you say as you lead a meeting: provide or present

do you have a word?

(3) How would you describe the joke:lucky or fortunate?

(4) What is the name of the sender of the letter: addressee or addressee?

(5) How do you respond to an evasive answer:diplomatic or


(6) How long does a person get hired for?probationary or probationary?

(7) What is the name of the farm where they breed fish:

fish or fish?

(6) How is a high-class professional characterized: a skilled craftsman or an artificial craftsman?

(9) What would you call the exercise of frugality: economy or


(10) How is a person hiding anything:

hidden or hidden?

Exercise 136. Determine the meaning of the following paronyms. What words and phrases can be combined with the indicated paronyms? Are there any among the paronymic pairs in which the same

G library I theatrical neat

(union feeling work benefit frame

G communications country | contacts visit

(trainer role word sentence member task

( work woman result performance

(contrasts image threads of paint film

II. Practical part

spreading words?

subscriber - subscription

double - dual friendly - friendly main - capital

spectacular - effective color - color

An exercise 9. Fundamentals of culture 137*. speech Choose from the proposed paronyms suitable in meaning337.

(1) Any (deed, deed) deserves condemnation.

(2) We live in the same house, but(different, various) floors.

(3) In the new quarters of the city appeared(high, high) at home. (4) The apartment is required (carry out, produce) repair.

(5) The artist wrote (oily, oily) paints. (6) In the morning, the hotel offered a (full, hearty) breakfast. (7) All around at-

attractively: both (near, near) and (far, far) hills.

(6) (Swampy, swampy) sludge is an excellent fertilizer.

(9) Nice to walk on a hot day(shady, shady) alleys. (10) In his life, this event was the most (memorable,


Exercise 138*. Correct the errors resulting from the indistinguishability of paronyms (use explanatory dictionaries).

(1) The leader urged subordinates to observe executive discipline. (2) Some of our films are receiving recognition abroad. (3) He earned respect and good reputation as an innovator, as a man of creative thought. (4) Bathing areas must be equipped with life-saving appliances.

(5) He put on overalls and went to the workshop. (6) The essence of this book is in its nationality. (7) The metro turns out to be more convenient than overground transport in terms of the speed of movement in it and the absence of “traffic jams”. (6) Fertilizing the fields improves yields. (9) Your attention is given a report on the work of V. Nabokov. (10) Glory to the actor Karachentsov brought the title role in the play “Juno” and “Avos”, where he played the image of Count Rezanov.

Exercise 139

Exercise 140*. Underline the word combinations in which lexical compatibility is violated. From the ratio of which normalized expressions a speech error arose.

(1) The gold medal plays a big role.

(2) We must boldly put our demands.

folklore. (4) Construction is a huge colossus that we have to master. (5) The press is highly positive about past 9. Fundamentals of culture election of speech. (6) A very meager339 part of the budget is allocated for training. (7) There were subtle shades of nuance in the playing of the orchestra. (6) Everyone was in a very good mood. (9) I personally cannot answer this question. (10) The move required a huge amount of trouble and a lot of money.

Exercise 144. Eliminate speech redundancy in the following sentences.

(1) The appearance of the hotel, however, by no means guarantees adequate service. (2) In summary, we can briefly summarize: the event was a success. (3) When analyzing the character of this person, traits characteristic of people of his generation are revealed. (4) Clarity of purpose allows you to purposefully achieve your goals. (5) A new television program monthly regularly introduces the latest literature to viewers, (c) Judging by the finds found, there is already evidence in favor of the hypothesis being proved. (7) The first debut of the young actor was successful, successful and attracted the attention of the public. (6) The student has to cherish every minute of time and count every few rubles of money. (9) The future prospect of going to the countryside did not please all graduates of the agricultural technical school. (10) The success of the performance largely depends on the interest of the students, their initiative and the quality of the rehearsals conducted by each team.

Exercise 145*. Determine which of the following combinations: (a) are fixed in the language; (b) contrary to the literary norm:

people's democracy

period of time

autobiography of life


memorable souvenir

advanced outpost

corrections and amendments


antagonism of contradictions

another alternative

overwhelming majority


private property

fish ear

bold risk

industrial industry

put together

Exercise 146. In the sentences below, eliminate the errors associated with speech insufficiency.

(1) The machine in question has been out of order for a long time. (2) To improve planning, all economic workers should be united. (5) Lawyers and economy

II. Practical part

stov now pass through the competition. (4) The factory received four wagons of cement and three bricks. (5) Problems on which negotiations will not be solved immediately. (6) The student team will work at the hostel in the summer. (7) We intend to sell shares not only to residents of the capital, but also to other cities. (6) Most of the harvested vegetables are wasted.

Exercise 147 I. Are you familiar with the following words? Translate them, trying to do without dictionaries (in case of difficulty, use the Dictionary of Foreign Words):

























II. Try to group the above words into lekeiko-semantic groups, for example: (a) person (concrete or collective); (b) a specific item; (c) abstract object, action, process, direction; (d) sport. You can refine the classification.

Exercise 148. In the following sentences, indicate cases of unjustified use of foreign words. Produce where needed, si-

nonymic substitutions.

(1) Parents often face a dilemma: where to study for their child. (2) On Youth Day, a laser show was organized on the central avenue of this provincial town. (5) There was a disco in the village club, and the natives were friendly to the townspeople. (4) The trolleybus ran along a given trajectory. (5) In the last round of the competition, a group of athletes failed. (6) There are serious defects in the repair of the house. (7) Among the protesters, people of retirement age prevailed. (6) The First of September newspaper popularizes the experience of leading innovative teachers. (9) The reviewer noted that the article was written on a non-radical topic of today's life. (10) First-year students adapt to higher education faster if there is a good climate in the team, if they do not oppose each other.

Test tasks.

Topic No. 1. Norms of the modern Russian literary language

Orthoepic norms of the modern Russian literary language
Exercise 1. Read the words, paying attention to the mobility of stress in some grammatical forms.

Beautiful - more beautiful - most beautiful;

short - short - short - short - short;

the hair is long, but the mind is short;

in short - the coat is short;

wholesale - wholesale - wholesale - wholesaler;

Wednesdays - on Wednesdays;

review (about the dissertation) - review (of the ambassador);

walls - behind walls;

contract - conspiracy - conspiracy;

take away - taken away - taken away - taken away;

understand - understood - understood - understood;

start - started - started - started;

begin - began - began - began;

gave - gave - gave;

create - created - created - created;

laid - laid - laid;

close - close - close;

bitter - bitter - bitter;

long - long - long;

even - even - equal;

deep - deep - deep;

convened - convened - convened;

created - created - created;

taken - taken - taken;

busy - busy - busy;

started - started - started.

Task 2. Form verbs from these adjectives. Pay attention to the place of emphasis in them.
Deep, light, vigorous, sharp, strong, durable.
Task 3. Read the nouns. Pay attention to the place of stress in the genitive form plural. Complete the list with your own examples.

Region - regions;

statement - statements;

sheet - sheet and sheet;

industry - industries;

locality - localities;

power - capacities;

plane - planes;

profit - profits;

step - steps (on the stairs);

board - boards;

bottom - donev;

orphan - orphans;

cake - cakes;

scarf - scarves;

port - ports;

coal - coal;

bidding - bidding (about trade institutions) - bidding (action name).

Task 4. Read the following verbal nouns, placing the stress on them. If necessary, refer to the spelling dictionary.

Negotiate - an agreement;

convene - convocation;

provide - provision;

to concentrate - concentration;

intend - intention;

strengthen - strengthening;

arrange - ordering;

borrow - loan;

hire - hire.

Task 5. Read the dialogue paying attention to the pronunciation of the underlined words.
- Good afternoon, Olga Ilyinichna, Are you in the library?

Yes, I want to work with directory. And you, Tamara Nikitichna?

Me too busy: I have a lot to do computer class. But maybe we'll stop by for a minute cooking? They sell there today ketu, tongue sausage, cottage cheese, sausages and grapefruit.

Let's go in, really, I was in yesterday pizzerias and bought a pizza, but if in cooking eat minced meat beet and eggs, I'll cook for dinner meatballs and salad, and for breakfast scrambled eggs.

Look, the buffet is still open! We were lucky! Let's drink coffee with sandwiches. And you can cakes buy. Which big choice cakes!

Really! I will buy this one cocoa and cream.

Take another, it's tastier and more beautiful.


languagesa I (related to language as a means of communication: languagesa i preparation) – languageabout vaya (consisting of the tongue as part of the body: tongueabout wow sausage).

Busy about th - h a adopted, developed about th - r a cally - razv and ty, bypass about th - obh about bottom, transitional about th - transition about bottom, portable about th - transfer about sleepy, inviting about i - prz s clear, character e rny - har a kterny, wonderful about th - h at bottom.

Remember! Shafts about th (income, product), not in a fishing; mouth a external (fund, capital), not charter about th.
Task 7. Read the microtexts paying attention to the pronunciation of the underlined words.

News of economics and politics

- Israel confirmed intention continue peace negotiations with a view to ensure peace in the Middle East.

As a result of complex maneuvers aircraft mercenaries could bombard enemy military facility. Several governments condemned incident and expressed condolences families of the dead.

Expected convocation next congress. Necessary deepen and strengthen beginning positive processes in political life countries.

Arrived in Moscow from the USA experts FBI.

It turned out that this scam one insolvent firm. Thus she hopelessly compromised myself.

The elections were test to political maturity.

After a comprehensive analysis expert Commission and the development of a mutually acceptable position on the issues discussed, the signing took place contracts.

- arrivals to the leaders' summit European countries discussed current political issues.

culture News

At the festival you will see masterpieces world cinema, learn about prospects exchange of film products between our countries. Extremely interesting films by Japanese directors will certainly attract the attention of viewers and members jury.

sports news

Session held simultaneous chess game.

Unfortunately, it has to state, what an athlete compromised themselves through doping. So or otherwise he is suspended from further participation in competitions.

Weather forecast

The weather in the states of the Caucasus is affected regions low pressure. There will be torrential rains.
Task 8. Read excerpts from advertisements. Pay attention to the pronunciation of the highlighted words.

Do business with us. Our products competitive! The variety of company services will pleasantly surprise employed of people.

Our size authorized Fund - more than 100 billion rubles. Pay dividends produced quarterly.

For wholesale buyers - significant discounts!

Cash funds shareholders are already working in all key industries economy.

The Foundation employs leading specialists in marketing.

Courses are specialized in language preparation and translation into almost all languages ​​of the world.

The publishing house invites to cooperation wholesale buyers on the basis of mutually beneficial contractual relations.

Our firm is the largest supplier cosmetic products.
Test tasks.

Topic number 2. Lexical norms of the modern Russian literary language
Exercise 1. Comment on and correct errors related to inaccurate understanding of the meaning of the highlighted words.
(1) The conference addressed the question of the most spectacular teaching methods. (2) We must not forget that our products go to import. (3) Some of the respondents indicated that they were not satisfied with the level life. (4) The conclusions and proposals of the speaker were founded. (5) Lists were distributed to everyone at the end of the school year. advisory literature. (6) Accounting must pay employees money. ( 7) Train tickets were in advance paid. (8) Diploma student successfully defended the work. (9) The townspeople became witnesses concert on the summer stage of the park. (10) Tourists had to change itinerary to stock up products.
Task 2. Find and eliminate errors caused by inaccurate use of words. In case of difficulty, refer to dictionaries.
(1) Not all entrepreneurs have entered into new era with a view to the future. (2) In the presidium - people doomed to power. (3) The great advantage of this work is the expressive, high-calorie sound. (4) The article is devoted to the study of innate reflexes. (5) The toasts of the Crimea and the Krasnodar Territory are reopened for vacationers. (6) Think ahead and then answer. (7) The coat is sewn by a good master. (8) The whole audience was already in triumph. (9) The audience applauded and scanned: "Bravo!" (10) He deliberately did not come to Saturday.
Task 3. Set different values following words according to the 4-volume academic "Dictionary of the Russian language" or "Dictionary of the Russian language" SI. Ozhegov. Note in what functional styles each of the meanings of these words is used. Make suggestions with them.
school course area

rise substantial

Task 4. Give examples of single-valued words-terms from the field of science in which you are engaged.
Task 5. Set the direct and figurative meanings of words in these phrases.
thin string, subtle nature, subtle hearing bright future, bright room, bright dress, bright memory

petty owner, petty dishes, petty river, petty worries

lump of clay, curl up in a lump, rolled up to the throat throw accusation, throw stones, throw reinforcements
Task 6. Find in the sentences the words used in figurative meaning. Determine the type of transfer: metaphor, metonymy, synecdoche. What is value transfer based on?
(1) Our athletes brought gold and silver from figure skating competitions. (2) The hall applauds. ( 3) The first violin took the stage. (4) The entrance to the city was blocked by a barrier. (5) The warm participation of friends supported this family in difficult times. (6) Leaden clouds hung over the field. ( 7 ) Rostov is a major railway junction. (8) An illustrated edition of the dictionary was presented at the exhibition. (9) The air burns the face with a slight frost. (10) As a gift to the hero of the day, they bought a landscape of a good brush.

Task 7. Determine the meanings of the highlighted words. Indicate to which phenomenon - polysemy or homonymy - these words refer. Justify your answer.
(1) Note before. Folder with notes. diplomatic note. hysterical notes in voice. Sing along the notes. (2) Fortress character. Fortress metal. Armed fortress. Fortress solution. (3) mow grass. Epidemic mowed of people. mow on the left eye. Dress on the side mows. (4) On the Neva divorced bridges. Court divorced spouses. Need guests breed home. Tourists divorced bonfire! (5) Boat swam into the bay. geese swam fat. candle for floated wax. Pond swam slime.
Task 8. Explain the meaning of homonyms with explanatory dictionaries and Dictionary of homonyms of the Russian language. Make suggestions:
action, shaft, view, vulture, hail, dacha, class, interfere
Task 9. Restore homonyms based on the interpretation of their meanings.
(1) "Facial expression" - "special explosive projectile." (2) "A sense of proportion in human behavior" - "a metric unit in music." (3) "The edible part of some plants" - "the embryonic state of man." (4) "Spend some time reading" - "to express admiration for someone."
Task 10. Highlight the dominant in synonymous rows. Where possible, rank the synonyms according to intensity.
flare up - ignite - engage - ignite - ignite -

ignite - ignite ignite- light up - light up - engage -

flare up - ignite - ignite

(1) restlessness, agitation, anxiety, confusion

(2) independent, independent, free

(3) to glisten, sparkle, shine, sparkle

(4) small, tiny, microscopic, small, tiny

(5) nearby, nearby, near, near, nearby

(6) immense, exorbitant, gigantic, great, large, gigantic

(7) sadness, melancholy, melancholy, grief, despair

(8) superiority, superiority, dominance, dominance, dominance
Task 11. Make synonymous rows with the following dominant words.
limitless, polite, loud, proof, multitude, constant, acquire, enduring
Task 12. From these synonymous series, exclude the words characteristic of colloquial speech.
(1 ) old, ancient, immemorial, long-standing, old, former

(2) think, contemplate, brainstorm

(3) fat, solid, well-fed, overweight, portly, pot-bellied

(4) to intercede, to beg, to beg, to beg, to beg

(5) outdo, overtake, overtake, overtake, outshine

(6) to study, to study, to master, to pass, to comprehend

(7) hide, hide, hide, take cover, hide
Task 13. Compare the scope of the following synonyms:
amplitude - deviation parents - ancestors

road - highway jaundice - hepatitis

good – cool medicines – potions

steering wheel - steering wheel

Task 14. Determine the stylistic coloring of the words that form synonymous rows (refer to dictionaries):

(1 ) mass, lot, abyss, abundance, multitude, abyss

(2) squander, squander, squander, squander, squander, squander, squander

(3) nonsense, nonsense, nonsense, nonsense, nonsense
Task 15. Choose synonyms for different meanings of polysemantic words.


thick fog (dense)

thick sour cream (rich)

thick hair (fluffy)

go, open, old, light, dark

Task 16. Make phrases of adjectives and verbs with the nouns given in brackets.
(1) discover, discover (law, regularity); (2) function, work (apparatus, team); (3) to carry out, to carry out (program, work); (4) keep, save (distance, distance); (5) correct, eliminate (errors, shortcomings); (6) demonstration, demonstration (stand, flight). ( 7 ) true, real, authentic, real (person, hunter, friend, document); ( 8) long, long, long-term, long-term, long-term (loan, path, impact, period, fees).
Task 17. Choose the correct word from those in brackets.
(1) Each of the participants in the war must do everything in his power to (coming, future) generations are not (knew, knew) her nightmares. (2) If there is tension in the team, it must be (discharge, repay, weaken, amortize). (3) Sportsman (exceeded, surpassed, surpassed) record of his (predecessor, forerunner). (four) Per (previous, previous) year the company has become (profitable, profitable, profitable).(5) From telephone exchange (received, arrived) (message, news, notification) about new tariff increases. ( 6 ) The party's election campaign contained (actual, priority, paramount, essential) tasks. (7) The guests were provided (courteous, amiable, gracious, courteous) reception. (8) The play had (colossal, huge, outstanding, significant) success.
Task 18. Find and correct in the sentences below the errors associated with the incorrect use of synonyms.
(1) In the old days in Russia, the chronology was carried out in a different way. ( 2 ) The only advantage of radiators of this kind is the simplicity of design. (3) This unit allows you to impressively reduce the temperature of the connection of materials. (4) The creation of social infrastructure in the region was dictated only by the need to support industrial production. (5) Snow retention is carried out with the help of shields. (6) Plant growers are confident that the end effect will be significant. (7) Food for livestock must be prepared well in advance. (8) The most experienced riders were chosen to participate in the competition. (9) The Russian tennis player became the owner of the prize. (10) His existence was filled with the most varied activities.
Task 19. Choose Russian synonyms for words of foreign origin.
















security guard


the final












the end




sample; cancel; holiday; profit; equivalent; pull together; address; note; representative; contradiction; development; millennium; deviations; security guard; transformation; work; corresponding; accelerated

Exercise 20. Choose antonyms for the words:




















Exercise 21. Find words with opposite meanings to the following words:


in a dream






to fall asleep










put on




refuse direct









get dark




Exercise 22. Which of the following lexical units do not have antonyms? Motivate your answer.





for a long time


wrap up









left bank












fly away

ha ha ha

to frown




Exercise 23. Find antonyms for the different meanings of the words.

hot, shallow, fresh, old

Task 24. Determining the meaning of the following phraseological units:

  1. Live in grand style

  2. Cover your tracks

  3. White crow

  4. decoy duck

  5. Prodigal son

  6. Not a timid ten

  7. One field berry

  8. Dog in the manger

  9. Greek gift

  10. Scapegoat

  11. Sword of Damocles

  12. Procrustean bed

  13. Trojan horse

  14. Sisyphean labor

  15. Pandora's Box

  16. Between Scylla and Charybdis

  17. Pyrrhic victory

  18. Aesopian language

They rushed after him, fascinated. Then the forest rustled again, shaking its peaks in surprise, but its noise was drowned out by the clatter of running people. Everyone ran quickly and boldly, carried away by the wonderful sight of a burning heart. And now they were dying, but they were dying without complaints and tears. But Danko was still ahead, and his heart was burning, burning!

And then suddenly the forest parted before him, parted and remained behind, dense and dumb, and Danko and all those people immediately plunged into a sea of ​​sunlight and clean air, washed by rain. There was a thunderstorm - there, behind them, over the forest, and here the sun was shining, the steppe was sighing, the grass was shining in the diamonds of the rain and the river was sparkling with gold ... It was evening, and from the rays of the sunset the river seemed red, like the blood that beat with a hot stream from Danko's torn chest.

(Gorky M. Old woman Izergil. Collected works in 16 volumes.

T. 1. - M., 1985. - S. 70-71)

3. The current state of society is characterized by the aggravation of a number of interrelated key problems that determine its further development, including economic, energy, environmental crises, social and national conflicts, and a decline in the level of spirituality and culture. Many scientists see the solution to these problems in improving education. All over the world there is an active search for new educational systems - more democratic, more flexible, more universal both from the standpoint of an individual and society as a whole.

The reform that began in our country higher education involves a change in the educational paradigm and a reorientation of attitudes from narrow professional training of specialists to comprehensive education, to the achievement high level general culture, the development of intelligence and personal cognitive interests, allowing the individual to adapt to the dynamics of social crises.

Within the framework of this educational paradigm, theories are being developed aimed at bridging the gap between the natural sciences and the humanities. Moreover, the range of these theories is quite wide.

(Smirnov S.A. Pedagogy. Pedagogical theories, technology systems. - M., 2000. - P. 82)

Exercise 80. Find examples of functional-semantic types of speech in any textbook and in any newspaper.

BASICS OF SPEECH CULTURE Norms of pronunciation

Exercise 81*. Mark the correct statements.

(!) Orthoepy - a set of norms national language, ensuring the unity of its sound design.

(2) Orthoepy - a set of norms of the literary language associated with the sound design of morphemes, words, phrases.

(3) Orthoepy is a set of rules that establish a uniform design for spelling words.

(4) Orthoepy is a set of rules that establish a uniform pronunciation.

(5) The orthoepic norm regulates pronunciation.

(6) The orthoepic norm regulates word usage.

(7) The orthoepic norm regulates stress.

(8) Orthoepic norms are reflected in orthoepic dictionaries.

(9) Orthoepic norms are reflected in etymological dictionaries.

(10) In orthoepic dictionaries, pronunciation options that are outside the literary norm are not indicated.

Exercise 82. Pronounce the following words correctly. Remember: in place of the letter “o” in the first unstressed syllable and the absolute beginning of the word, a sound is pronounced, the middle one between [a] and [o], in the remaining unstressed syllables - the middle one between short [o] and short [s].

the water of my houses is yours to come

I ask again to surround the window correctly

need to win cold milk young

Exercise 83*. What sound is pronounced in place of the letter "a" after hard shi-



Exercise 84*. Read the following words, paying attention to the need to pronounce in an unstressed position after solid consonants in place of the letter “e” sounds [s e] or [b].

six hundredth

dance wish


workshop cruelty


in the capital

Exercise 85*. Do you pronounce the underlined words the same way?

(7) cleanliness of the room - vibration frequency; (2) try on a dress - reconcile opponents; (3) the flag is flying - the child is developing; (4) shine a flashlight - dedicate a poem to the hero of the day; (5) to see a fox - to fade in the forest

Exercise 86*. Write down the words in which the sound [e] is pronounced under stress.

screams like an articulated worthless settled connected hopeless


past year



modern faded

bled out


Exercise 88*. Divide these words into two groups: with a hard and soft pronunciation of the consonant before the letter "e". Compare your pronunciation with the normative one indicated in the key to the task.

atelier, swimming pool, businessman, prodigy, genetics, grotesque, debut, detective, depot, interval, code, museum, model, hotel, pate, claim, session, tennis, therapist, term, flannel, masterpiece, overcoat, energy, aesthetics

Exercise 89*. Determine in which cases the sound denoted by the letter "I" is pronounced as [r] - explosive; [g] - fricative; [to]; [X]; [in].

(1) proud, mountain, long, leg, boots, sad

(2) friend, long, cottage cheese, foray, noggy, cut your hair

(3) light, soft, light, soften, lightest

(4) Lord, grace, to God

(5) accountant, uh huh, uh

(6) distant, quiet, big, yours, first

Exercise 90*. What combinatorial processes affect the pronunciation of consonants in the following words:

(1) birch, path, smile, partition, trick, yesterday, guess

(2) do, run away, please, threshing, station, football

(3) steppe, carry, fear, umbrella, racer, candidate

(4) silently, without a cap, from mine, burn, lifeless, from tin

Exercise 91. Read the words, taking into account the pronunciation of consonant combinations.

(1) Motherland, report, speaker, pilot, translator, architect

(2) storyteller, mover, defector, man, count, clear, happiness

(3) yeast, reins, burns, buzzes, rains

(4) twenty, father, soldier, see each other, correspond, laugh

Exercise 92 The hard pronunciation is wrong.

fraction shoes steppe seven

eight seventy eighty congratulations

pour leave add get ready meet

paying attention to combinations of three and

travel card




journalistic late






tourist late





militaristic holiday








amount of aggression





terrace alley




terror applique


manna (heavenly)

Exercise 96. Check if you pronounce the following words correctly.

Capital letters highlight the part of the word where a mistake is often made.



compromise competitive




Accentological norms Exercise 97*. Place the stress on the words. In difficult cases, refer to dictionaries. Remember the place of stress in these words.

august alphabet analogue watermelon pamper tow bureaucracy janitor religion genesis corrugated caterpillar hyphen denim prey contract call call reach leisure shaft enviably long frost sparkle seal seal rust clog significant ringing icon painting industry gradually from time immemorial catalog cough up costumed beautiful flint cooking kitchen lubok muscular for a short time thinking meager providing facilitate at the same time wholesale inquire uncork partly mindful molding seal up anticipate compel to add angle dispersal symmetry potion notify solicit christian cement chassis

Exercise 98*. Mark the numbers of the words in which the stress falls on the first syllable.

(7) shell (2) rust (3) silo (4) dusk

(5) custom (6) sleek (7) chain (8) gypsy

(9) scoop (70) expert

Exercise 99*. Mark the numbers of the words in which the stress falls on the second syllable.

(7) cedar (2) prettier (3) parterre (4) beetroot

(5) plum (6) carpenter (7) hardening (8) intercessor

cleaner (70) sorrel

Exercise 100*. Mark the word numbers with the stress on the last syllable.

alcohol (2) tow (3) air duct (4) dispensary (5) blinds 6) half step (7) reward (8) deepen

(9) aggravate (70) phenomenon

Exercise 101. Determine the meanings of the following words. Make suggestions with them.

atlas - atlas, armor - armor, bundle - bundle, busy - busy, iris - iris, clubs - clubs, around - around, images - images, language - language.

Exercise 102. Say phrases, paying attention to the place of stress.

characteristics, lucky witticism, windy day, planted father, figurative meaning, laurel grove, chaos in the head, draft age, characteristic role, transitional bridge, chicken pox, bay leaf, mobile child, portable microphone, planted shrub, soar legs, draft cry, visual acuity, language sense, transitional age, coal pool, malocclusion, soar in the clouds.

Exercise 103. Form a short form of masculine, feminine, neuter and plural form of adjectives. Put emphasis.

to rosh - to horn - to horn - to rosh - to horn

cheerful faithful tall deep hungry distant friendly young old wide

Exercise 104*. Mark the numbers of the words in which the stress falls on the last syllable.

cheap (2) right (3) light (4) rare

(5) pale (6) long (7) close (8) bitter

Exercise 105

started - started - started - started - started

called taken busy lived sold

Exercise 106*. Mark the numbers of words in which the stress does not fall on the last syllable.

taken (2) given (3) started (4) sold

(5) accepted (6) distributed (7) distributed (8) created

Exercise 107*. Form the past tense of the masculine, feminine and neuter gender and the plural form of these verbs. Put emphasis. Pay attention to verbs that have a fixed stress on the stem.

take - took - took - took - took

choose - chose - chose - chose - chose

be, turn on, give out, give, live, call, wait, drink, dial, collect, elect, give, twist, pluck, pass for, sail, lie, put, pull

Exercise 108*. Mark those verbs in the form female the past tense, in which the stress is incorrectly placed.

(7) lived (2) spun (3) forked (4) gave (5) called

(6) saw (7) drove (8) poured (9) took (70) waited

Lexical norms

Exercise 109*. Comment on and correct errors related to inaccurate understanding of the meaning of the highlighted words.

(1) The conference addressed the issue of the most effective teaching methods. (2) We must not forget that our goods are imported. (3) Some of the respondents indicated that they were not satisfied with the standard of living. (4) The conclusions and proposals of the speaker were well founded. (5) At the end of the academic year, everyone was given lists of recommended literature. (6) The accounting department must pay the employees money. (7) The train tickets were paid in advance. (8) The student successfully defended the work. (9) The townspeople witnessed a concert on the summer stage of the park. (10) Tourists had to change their route to stock up on produce.

Exercise 110. Find and eliminate errors due to inaccurate use of words. In case of difficulty, refer to dictionaries.

(1) Not all entrepreneurs have entered a new era with a view to the future. (2) In the presidium - people doomed to power. (3) The great merit of this piece is its expressive, high-calorie sound. (4) The article is devoted to the study of innate reflexes. (5) The toasts of the Crimea and the Krasnodar Territory are reopened for vacationers. (6) Think ahead, and then answer. (7) The coat is made by a good craftsman. (<5) Вся публика была уже в триумфе. (9) Зал аплодировал и ска­нировал: «Браво!» (10) Он нарочито не пришел на субботник.

Exercise 111 Ozhegov. Note in what functional styles each of the meanings of these words is used. Make suggestions with them.

school course area

rise substantial

Exercise 112

Exercise 113

petty owner, petty dishes, petty river, petty worries

lump of clay, curl up in a lump, rolled up to the throat throw accusation, throw stones, throw reinforcements

Exercise 114*. Find in the sentences words that are used in a figurative sense. Determine the type of transfer: metaphor, metonymy, synecdoche. What is value transfer based on?

(1) Our athletes brought gold and silver from figure skating competitions. (2) The audience applauds. (3) The first violin entered the stage. (4) The entrance to the city was blocked by a barrier.

(5) The warm participation of friends supported this family in difficult times.

(6) Leaden clouds hung over the field. (7) Rostov is a major railway junction. (8) An illustrated edition of the dictionary was presented at the exhibition. (9) The air burns the face with a slight frost. (10) As a gift to the hero of the day, they bought a landscape with a good brush.

Exercise 115*. Determine the meanings of the highlighted words. Indicate to which phenomenon - polysemy or homonymy - these words refer. Justify your answer.

(1) Note to. Folder with notes. Diplomatic note. Hysterical notes in the voice. Sing along the notes. (2) Strength of character. Fortress of metal. Armed fortress. Solution strength.

(3) Mow the grass. The epidemic decimated people. Mow on the left eye. The dress squints on the side. (4) Bridges were raised on the Neva. The court divorced the spouses. Guests should be escorted home. Tourists lit a fire. (5) The boat swam into the bay. The geese were covered in fat. The candle burned with wax. The pond swam with mud.

Exercise 116. Explain the meanings of homonyms using explanatory dictionaries and the Russian Homonym Dictionary Make suggestions.

action, shaft, view, vulture, hail, dacha, class, interfere

Exercise 117. Restore homonyms based on the interpretation of their meanings.

(1) "Facial expression" - "special explosive projectile." (2) "A sense of proportion in human behavior" - "a metric unit in music." (3) "The edible part of certain plants" - "the embryonic state of man." (4) "Spend some time reading" - "to express admiration for someone."

Exercise 118*. Select the dominant in the synonymous rows. Where possible, rank the synonyms according to intensity.

flare up - ignite - engage - ignite - ignite - ignite - ignite ignite - ignite - ignite - ignite - ignite

(1) restlessness, agitation, anxiety, confusion

(2) independent, independent, free

(3) to glisten, sparkle, shine, sparkle

(4) small, tiny, microscopic, small, tiny

(5) nearby, nearby, near, near, nearby

(6) immense, exorbitant, gigantic, great, large, gigantic

(7) sadness, melancholy, melancholy, grief, despair

(5) superiority, superiority, dominance, dominance, dominance

Exercise 119. Make synonymous rows with the following dominant words.

limitless, polite, loud, proof, multitude, constant, acquire, enduring

Exercise 120*. From these synonymous series, exclude the words characteristic of colloquial speech.

(1) ancient, ancient, immemorial, ancient, ancient

(2) think, contemplate, brainstorm

(3) fat, solid, well-fed, overweight, portly, pot-bellied

(4) to intercede, to beg, to beg, to beg, to beg

(5) outdo, overtake, overtake, overtake, outshine

(6) to study, to study, to master, to pass, to comprehend

(7) hide, hide, hide, take cover, hide

Exercise 121. Compare the scope of the following synonyms: amplitude - deviation parents - ancestors

road - highway jaundice - hepatitis

good - cool drugs - potions

steering wheel - steering wheel

Exercise 122

(1) mass, lot, abyss, abundance, multitude, abyss

(2) squander, squander, squander, squander, squander, squander, squander

(3) nonsense, nonsense, nonsense, nonsense, nonsense

Exercise 123. Choose synonyms for different meanings of polysemantic words.

thick thick fog (dense) thick sour cream (saturated) thick hair (lush) thick voice (full-sounding)

go, open, old, light, dark

Exercise 124. Compose phrases of adjectives and verbs with nouns given in brackets.

(1) discover, discover (law, regularity); (2) function, work (apparatus, team); (3) implement, execute (program, work); (4) hold, keep (distance, distance); (5) correct, eliminate (errors, shortcomings); (6) demonstration, demonstration (stand, flight). (7) true, real, genuine, real (person, hunter, friend, document); (5) long, long, long, long-term, continuous (loan, path, impact, period, fees).

Exercise 125*. Choose the correct word from those in brackets.

(1) Each of the participants in the war must do everything in his power so that (future, future) generations do not (know, know
li) her nightmares. (2) If tension has arisen in the team, it must be (discharged, repaid, weakened, amortized).

(3) Sportsman(exceeded, surpassed, surpassed) record of his(predecessor, forerunner). (four) Per(previous, previous) year the company has become(profitable, profitable, profitable). (5) From telephone exchange(received, arrived) (message, news, notification) about new tariff increases.(in) The party's election campaign contained(actual, priority, paramount, essential) tasks.(7)The guests were provided(courteous, amiable, gracious, courteous) reception.(8)The play had(colossal, huge, outstanding, significant) success.

Exercise 126. Find and correct errors in the following sentences related to the incorrect use of synonyms.

(1) In the old days in Russia, the chronology was carried out in a different way. (2) The only advantage of radiators of this kind is the simplicity of construction. (3) This unit can significantly reduce the bonding temperature of materials.

(4) The creation of social infrastructure in the region was dictated only by the need to support industrial production.

(5) Snow retention is carried out with the help of shields. (c) Growers are confident that the end effect will be significant. (7) Food for livestock must be prepared well in advance. (8) The most experienced riders were chosen to compete. (9) The Russian tennis player became the owner of the prize. (10) His existence was filled with the most varied activities.

Exercise 127. Choose Russian synonyms for words of foreign origin.





security guard




worldview annul









exchange antagonism










rally appeal





millennium deviation

security guard





Exercise 128





friendly talented




frugal sincere





Exercise 129. . Choose the words for the following words: with the opposite value to the next
without high in a dream seriously
hot coming per healthy
to fall asleep short buy love
False light soft maximum
find above put on tenderness
wholesale from refuse straight
benefit against With agreement
weaken light sleep happiness
get dark tired smart jokingly
Exercise 130 *. Which of the following lexical units do not have antonyms? Motivate your answer.
freckled enter armed you
for a long time wood wrap up inveterate
sound winter cry large
doll lamp logical left bank
rejuvenate above ceiling cry
myself stadium straw modesty
terrace tiger thick fly away
ha ha ha poison to frown four southwest

32 II. Practical part

Exercise 131. Choose antonyms for different meanings of words.

light backpack - heavy backpack easy task - difficult task light breakfast - heavy breakfast light tan - deep tan

hot, shallow, fresh, old

Exercise 132*. Determine the lexical meanings of the highlighted words. Specify the type of antonymy.

(1) I lent this book to a friend. I borrowed this book from a friend. (2) It's already light - blow out the candle. - Yesterday, a new blast furnace was blown out at the plant. (3) The new device was put into mass production. - The student completely started studying.

Exercise 133

(1) The young man entered the room where the old man was sitting. (2) Struggling to overcome weakness, she walked forward. (3) Modesty prevailed, and he did not enter the room, but went down the steps. (4) No availability of textbooks. (5) Not all the hidden reserves of the human body have been discovered yet. (6) He openly confessed what was hidden from us. (7) Inaction can lead to an accident, as well as wrong action. (8) The traveler walked quickly, but not in a hurry.

Exercise 134 Use paronyms in phrases. In case of difficulty, refer to the Dictionary of Paronyms of the Russian Language.

master - learn heroic - heroic
put on - dress a creature - essence
ironic - ironic ironic - relating to irony as a stylistic device (used in phrases of a terminological nature), ironic device, ironic poem, stanza ironic - containing elements of irony, used for the purpose of mockery, ironic look, tone, approach